Creating Scannable Fake ID: Photo Instructions for Good Fake ID

How to Take a Good Picture for a Fake ID in 2024?

It is essential to provide a high-quality photograph when ordering a fake ID through our website. The photo’s clarity is crucial to ensuring the ID’s legitimacy, as a poor-quality image can detract from the overall appearance of an otherwise authentic card. This can cause issues, such as trouble entering bars, due to the stringent criteria enforced by bouncers nationwide.

Don’t worry if you are uncertain about how to take a DMV-like photo. We are here to assist you in capturing an image that is even better than the standard photos on government-issued IDs.

The Importance of a Quality Image for Your Fake ID

At DrunkID, the importance of the digital photo you submit is paramount in acquiring a fake ID. Every state has specific legal requirements for photographs on government IDs. Failure to meet these standards with your photo means your fake ID may not be functional. The photo you provide will be used on your fake ID.

While we guarantee the card will look just like an official ID, the onus for the photo’s quality lies with you. To help, we will offer a comprehensive guide on how to take the perfect photo for your fake ID.

Grasping the Distinct Elements of a Fake ID Picture

Before you take the photo, it’s essential to understand the unique features of photos used in government-issued state IDs and why they look a certain way.

Photos for state IDs are usually taken with strict limitations on pose, expression, and lighting. The lighting in places like DMV offices is often stark, leading to pronounced shadows and accentuated imperfections. The main goal of these photos is to accurately represent someone’s facial characteristics for identification, rather than to enhance their appearance.

During the photo-taking process for state IDs, people are advised to keep a straight posture and a neutral facial expression. This can lead to a sense of discomfort, often resulting in rigid expressions and a less than appealing appearance.

To effectively imitate state ID photos at home, you should try to recreate the environment of a DMV photo session, including the stark lighting and the rigid posture and facial expression. Achieving this tense look is relatively simple. Next, we will talk about how to set your camera like professional photographers to take pictures that adhere to the standards of state IDs.

Setting Up Your Camera for ID Photo Taking

Different licensing bodies use a variety of cameras, depending on their location and the type of ID being issued. Most often, they utilize digital cameras tailor-made for ID photography. These cameras usually have high-resolution sensors, which allow for photos with even lighting and true-to-life color representation.

To imitate the harsh lighting conditions found in government offices, position bright lights above and in front of your face. Furthermore, your phone’s camera has several adjustable settings that can help you achieve a photo quality similar to the images taken in government facilities.

Taking an ID Photo with an Android Smartphone

Adjusting the contrast via your phone’s settings can help you take an appropriate picture for your fake ID. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the camera app on your phone.
  2. Look for an icon that looks like three lines, dots, or a gear, usually visible on the screen. This icon leads to the camera app’s settings.
  3. Find and select the option marked ‘Contrast’ or ‘Exposure’.
  4. The app might provide a slider or buttons to adjust the contrast. Use these to enhance the contrast as needed.
  5. Once you’ve made the adjustments, close the settings and go ahead with taking your photo.

If your camera app doesn’t have options for contrast or exposure adjustment, you might want to try a different camera app that offers more customization. You can also use a photo editing app after taking the picture to modify its contrast. There are many free apps suitable for Android that adhere to government standards. A recommended app is the ID Photo Application by siranet, which you can download from the Play Store.

Taking an ID Photo on an iPhone

To enhance contrast for an ID photo using your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the camera app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the part of the screen where you want the camera to focus, ideally on your face. This is easier with someone’s help if you’re taking a selfies. A yellow box will appear to show the focus area.
  3. Once focused, adjust the exposure by swiping up or down on the screen. Swiping up increases exposure, making the photo brighter and reducing contrast, while swiping down decreases exposure, darkening the photo and increasing contrast.

For images with greater contrast variation, use the HDR (High Dynamic Range) feature:

  1. Go to your iPhone’s general settings.
  2. Select ‘Camera’.
  3. Turn off the ‘Smart HDR’ option to allow for manual HDR control in the camera app.
  4. In the camera app, tap ‘HDR’ in the top left corner. This will enable the camera to take multiple shots at different exposures and combine them to create a photo with enhanced contrast.

Once you’ve adjusted these settings, take your photo using the shutter button. If the photo still doesn’t meet your requirements, you can use a photo editing app to further adjust the contrast.

Regulatory Requirements for State ID and Driver’s License Photos

Understanding the legal criteria for acceptable State ID or driver’s license photos is crucial.

These requirements may vary by state, jurisdiction, and the specific ID being issued, but they all aim to ensure that the photo accurately represents the person and is suitable for identification purposes. Here are some of these widespread standards:

Guidelines for State ID and Driver’s License Photos

These photos must adhere to the following essential criteria:

  1. Size: The photo must conform to specific dimensions, typically 2×2 inches or 1.5×1.5 inches, as per the state’s regulations.
  2. Background: A plain, light blue background is necessary to provide a clear contrast and facilitate facial recognition.
  3. Lighting: The lighting should be even and free of shadows to prevent obscuring any facial features.
  4. Facial Expression: A neutral facial expression is required, with the eyes open and looking towards the camera.
  5. Head Orientation: The head should be straight and facing forward, with both ears visible, as the shape of the ears is a key identifier.
  6. Clothing: The person should not wear headgear or eyewear that obscures the face.
  7. Image Quality: The photograph needs to be clear and sharp, without any blurring or distortion that might impede the identification of the individual.

Understanding Photo Specifications for State IDs and Driver’s Licenses

Our id review samples page features customer-provided examples that highlight differences in photo-taking for fake IDs, whether it’s for a driver’s license or a state ID. There are notable variations in the photo criteria for these documents across different jurisdictions, especially for those who wear glasses.

In certain regions, it’s required to wear glasses in a driver’s license photo if they are normally used for driving, a rule that may not apply to state ID photos.

This distinction exists because state IDs are primarily used for identification, while driver’s licenses serve the dual purpose of confirming identity and verifying driving capabilities.

For driver’s licenses, the presence of glasses in the photo can signal the necessity of glasses for safe driving. In the past, glasses were less common in such photos due to concerns about obstructing facial recognition. However, with improved facial recognition technologies that accurately identify individuals wearing glasses, policies about glasses in driver’s license photos have evolved in many licensing bodies. This requirement isn’t consistent across all states.

Note that rules regarding glasses in driver’s license photos are variable and can change based on the state and jurisdiction. It’s crucial to check the specific photo guidelines for driver’s licenses in the area where you’re applying for your fake ID.

How to Take a Photo for a Fake ID card

What to do for a good photo:

  • Make sure your ears are visible. If you have long hair, either sweep it behind your ears or gather it into a ponytail.
  • Check the specific requirements for wearing glasses in driver’s license photos in your region. If glasses are necessary, ensure they don’t create glare or reflections and that their frames don’t obscure your face.
  • Use a white or near-white background for the photo.
  • Make sure the lighting is sufficient.
  • The photo should be high quality, especially for resizing.
  • When the photo is reduced to the standard 2×2-inch size (common in most states), the distance from the bottom of your chin to the top of your head should not exceed one inch.

What not to do to avoid a bad photo:

  • Don’t add a black and white filter on your own. If your state needs a black and white photo for the fake ID, we will process it to match the specific black and white tones required by different states.
  • Do not use photoshop or any software to make yourself look older.
  • Keep your head straight and face the camera directly, with your chin slightly down. The photo should be taken from the front.

Differences in State ID Photo Standards:

State ID photo requirements, such as size, background color, and lighting, vary from state to state, but generally lead to similar styles of photographs.

Each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent authority establishes its own regulations for state ID photographs. These rules aim to ensure the photos are distinct, accurate, and serve their purpose in identification. For example, some states choose to have black and white photos on their IDs or driver’s licenses, while others use color photos.

The decision between black and white or color photos for IDs is made by each state’s DMV, and the reasons for this choice differ from state to state.

Economic factors can influence the decision to opt for black and white photos. Producing these images can be more economical than printing color photos, prompting some states to prefer them as a cost-saving option.

Security issues are another consideration. Some states view black and white photos as more resistant to alterations or forgery than color photos, leading them to choose black and white images for increased ID security.

Ultimately, the choice of using black and white or color photos on IDs is at the discretion of each state’s DMV or licensing authority. While some states may select black and white photos for economic or security reasons, others may prefer color photos for a more lifelike representation of the individual.

States Choosing Black and White Images for IDs and Driver’s Licenses:

The states listed below use black and white photos for their state IDs and driver’s licenses:

  • Alaska
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Wisconsin

Before taking your photo, it’s recommended to verify the photo requirements with your local DMV or licensing body. Remember, it is possible to obtain a fake state ID or driver’s license from a state where you don’t reside. If you’re considering this, ensure you are aware of the photo standards for that particular state.